Here are some more erudite ramblings from the 1990’s Blakk Bük…
- Like Pavlov’s dogs, I begin unceasingly salivating at the mere sight or mention of the word “waif.”
- I knew some guys in 1983 who called weed “Python Salad.”
- If you bought radio and TV time that claimed that eating a vegan diet can slow or stop hair loss, you could have the whole country eating rice and cabbage in under a week.
- There is little difference between being powerless, and being powerful and not realizing it.
- I visited 20 or more chat rooms last night, and I didn’t meet one person with a decent sense of humor. Most of the people in them wanted to blame the opposite gender for their own inadequacies.
- Occupation: Growing dissatisfaction in the garden of good and evil. Hobby: plotting the end of the world, and vice versa.
- As children, we pretended to be blind, often without closing our eyes. As adults, we pretend to be informed, often without opening our eyes.
- I can’t believe I was stupid enough to let that one guy put a sign on my back that said, “I’m a fag.” (Ironically, everyone thought he was gay.)
- The man is a pig, and vice versa
Such a good blog entry