Dream: I am visiting my friends in Norman, Oklahoma. We are watching movies. Michael serves us popcorn, but tells us it is “sex mud.” As he does so, he and I are in a dune buggy racing through a cave. A motorcyclist behind us honks and flashes his lights, but skids around us and crashes at the mouth of the cave. He seems to be injured, but Michael and I set upon repairing his bike. I notice that my penis has split at the end. We are then back watching movies, and my penis has completely split, so I take it off. I search for something to store it in while I grow a new one. Michael happens to have some penis bags, so I put it in one of those.

Split at the end? That’s GOTTA hurt. On the other hand, a penis bag sounds like a handy item to have around the house.
I told you in the dream, ‘It’s not a penis bag. It’s a mock-frock cock sock.’
So would you rather be in a bucket or a plane?
Which reminds me of one of my favorite songs of all time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYwiwbgMusY