All at Once, I’m Outside

Something about the circles of confusion created by my old 50mm f/1.8 give me a certain look I like. I shot these peach blossoms in my orchard at /2.0.
Something about the circles of confusion created by my old 50mm f/1.8 give me a certain look I like. I shot these peach blossoms in my orchard at /2.0.
You haven't witnessed kindness until you watch my wife Abby gently shoo away a ladybug.
You haven’t witnessed kindness until you watch my wife Abby gently shoo away a ladybug.

Seasons don’t normally come as a surprise to me, but just in the last couple of days we’ve transitioned from gloomy to gorgeous weather, and despite working, both commercially and for my newspaper, on both my days off, I made time to be outside for long periods the last couple of evenings.

The house and the back yard take on color at last light a couple of nights ago.
The house and the back yard take on color at last light a couple of nights ago.
This Meade EXT-70 was one of two telescopes given to me in recent months. I got it working, and hope to have some fun with it soon.
This Meade EXT-70 was one of two telescopes given to me in recent months. I got it working, and hope to have some fun with it soon.

Here is an odd one: in both January and February, two different people gave me two different astronomical telescopes. It’s practically raining telescopes. They both work, and with this week being spring break and not as likely to be overly busy at my office, I might get the chance to play with them more.

My Early Elberta peach tree bloomed and froze last month, but the rest of my trees, peach, plum and cherry, waited until now. After walking Hawken and organizing in the garage a bit, I made time to photograph them with my aging 50mm f/1.8. I have a 50mm f/1.4 as well, but the f/1.8 has its own look, and I liked what I got.

From a distance, my plum tree looks like a popcorn tree.
From a distance, my plum tree looks like a popcorn tree.

I also managed to till some of the garden yesterday, despite my tiller not running well. I cleaned its carb, filters, and spark plug, and hopefully can till ’til I’m done.

Wheat grass blows in the evening breeze as I walk Hawken the Irish Wolfhound on Saint Patrick's Day.
Wheat grass blows in the evening breeze as I walk Hawken the Irish Wolfhound on Saint Patrick’s Day.

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