What’s in a Sentence? I Mean, Besides Verbs and Stuff…

D’s favorite sentences:
-Be thrilled. Wear my flip-flops.
-It’s just like Kennedy’s brain.
-He just exploded all over the bathroom!
-Did you see that? It went right up her ass!
-It was Wion’s way of nurturing him.
-I did not start it! You invaded Poland!

D’s favorite lyrics:
-Well, I stand up next to a mountain, chop it down with the edge of my hand. -Jimi Henrix
-“There are a thousand things,” he said, “I’ll never say those things to you again.” -The Cure
-Give it up! -Joe Walsh
-Honkin’ donkey kitty cat. (maybe) -Cocteau Twins
-And the Devil wants to f*ck me in the back of his car.” -NIN
-Boomtown people got nothin’ to eat. They scratched in the dirt tryin’ to plant the seed.” -Big Pig

D’s least favorite sentences:
-I’m not sure if I love you any more.
-Are you growing a beard?
-Once we take this white area, we can move our borders.