Abby is in possession of upwards of 50 skeins of synthetic blaze-orange yarn, most of which has been squirreled away in the attic for many years. While she and I were out today, we stopped at Hobby Lobby so she could pick up some yarns of less offensive hues, mostly for her to crochet into baby blankets for Chele and Tom’s January newcomer.

But the topic of the orange yarn came up, as did my notion that I’d like her to make me a stocking cap out of the stuff. (So far all she’s made with it is a dog sweater for Max.) I think it would be a good use for otherwise not very useful yarn, and would improve my visibility to low-flying aircraft and the crew of the International Space Station.
We looked through her patterns to little avail, then on the internet to even less. We emailed our friend Tom the Beanie Cap Guy, but he hasn’t gotten back with us, since he is probably either in Utah photographing models for his next Utah Collection, or is no longer talking to us because he is so profoundly offended that we would make hats out of a yarn best melted down for its paraffin content.
Either way, look for me this fall on the sidelines at those chilly football games, sporting what will hopefully become the next stupid craze.
Just got your email five minutes ago. Although synthetic yarns offend me personally I don’t really much care what others do with them. :-) Just don’t want ’em near my hands!!!
My beanie caps start at the bottom with the circumference of the head (usually 20 to 24 inches) and I crochet upwards about five or six inches before beginning to cast off and create the shape of the dome. Mine are more true beanie caps than stocking caps though. And I use a much bigger hook than Abby is using in the picture; which of course means bigger yarns, although with all of those skeins you have you could easily double or triple the yarn to get a lot of nice loft.
I don’t have any patterns or I’d happily share them with you.
Tell Abby her nails look great in that picture.
Actually, Mom gave my a sewing book from circa 1960 that includes a section on crocheting. I remember that it included a crocheted cap, what we used to call a toboggan. I’ll see if I can find it.