The Next Big Thing

Your humble host poses with Hawken, the derpy, goofy Irish Wolfhound puppy just four months old.
Your humble host poses with Hawken, the derpy, goofy Irish Wolfhound puppy just four months old.

As I told a fellow news photographer recently, “It will be a flurry of graduations to cover, then *crickets chirping.*” Still, it’s a fun time to do what I do.

Meanwhile, our puppy, Hawken the Irish Wolfhound, is growing in fits and starts, and still hasn’t found his paws or his nose. He could end up rivaling me in weight. He’s the next big thing.

  • Hawked apparently scared up a skunk two nights ago. We heard his deep, derpy, “Rooof, rooof,” followed a few seconds later by the distinct (stinked) skunk smell. I grabbed a rifle and hunted around, but couldn’t find the skunk. I smelled Hawken’s fur to find he had not been sprayed directly. Later in daylight we discovered a large swath of skunk spray on the siding next to the faucet, in the back yard, indicating that Hawken had tangled with a skunk, but the foe had missed when he sprayed.
This is skunk juice, sprayed Thursday night at Hawken the Irish Wolfhound. Fortunately it missed the target, Hawken, and hit this portion of siding.
This is skunk juice, sprayed Thursday night at Hawken the Irish Wolfhound. Fortunately it missed the target, Hawken, and hit this portion of siding.
This was the scene a few days ago when I powerwashed the north side of the garage.
This was the scene a few days ago when I powerwashed the north side of the garage.
  • Since we sold our RV, the wall next to its parking spot is open to view, revealing that the siding was covered with mildew. This wall is the worst, since it faces north and is protected by our large black walnut tree. I cranked up the power washer  and dispatched the slime without undue difficulty.
As you can see, the dark green mildew on the siding is quite dark when compared to a portion I have cleaned with our power washer.
As you can see, the dark green mildew on the siding is quite dark when compared to a portion I have cleaned with our power washer.
  • These peaches are ugly, but when I cut off the ugly, they tasted pretty good.
    These peaches are ugly, but when I cut off the ugly, they tasted pretty good.

    My peach trees have peaches this year, but since I don’t spray them, they are ugly. Still, if you cut the bad parts off, they are still richer and sweeter than grocery store peaches.

  • As playoff season winds down, as of this writing we have just one team, the Byng Pirates baseball team, in the fight. As usual, it’s been a great time covering our teams and their parents who I covered years ago. I feel very welcome and very much a part of their community.
    Your humble host poses with some friends at the first round of Class 4A state baseball playoffs in Edmond Thursday evening. I have known Tracey, seated in the center, since she played basketball at Roff in 1990.
    Your humble host poses with some friends at the first round of Class 4A state baseball playoffs in Edmond Thursday evening. I have known Tracey, seated in the center, since she played basketball at Roff in 1990.

    Your host takes on the enviable task of photographing last week's regional playoff games in Byng, as photographed by Tracey Beech Stephens.
    Your host takes on the enviable task of photographing last week’s regional playoff games in Byng, as photographed by Tracey Beech Stephens.
Abby plays with Hawken the Irish Wolfhound puppy.
Abby plays with Hawken the Irish Wolfhound puppy.

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