Everyone who knows me or reads this blog knows that yesterday in the presidential election I “stamped the rooster.” I went to bed last night before finding out any results, and only found out after I got out of the shower and asked my wife.
“Obama.” she said.
“Is it certain? I am so relieved.”
“Yes,” she added. “So am I.”
Unlike the last three elections that pitted fairly bright candidates against fairly dull ones (with Americans twice picking the dull one, George W. Bush), this election was between two erudite, well-spoken, clear-headed people, both of who were able to correctly pronounce the word “America.” (Bush said, “Uh Mer Kuh.”)
As usual, my state, Oklahoma, was saturated with Romney supporters, probably because they, for some reason, hate Barack Obama. I assume they included a number of people who believed outright lies about Obama (for instance, that he is a communist or a Muslim), but I expect that most of them feel the same way I do, that their candidate is the best choice for America.

Four years ago we were the only state that went 100% republican.