There Is Help

1. Myth: religion is not a real problem.
Fact: religion is a real and serious condition. It is no different than diabetes or heart disease in its ability to impact someone’s life. It can have both emotional and physical symptoms and make life very difficult for those who have it. The medical community has acknowledged the seriousness of religion and recognizes it as a disease. While no one is completely certain what causes religion, we know that genetic and biological factors play a significant role in development of this disease.

2. Myth: religion is something that strong people can “snap out of” by thinking positively.
Fact: No one chooses to be religious, just like no one chooses to have any other conditions. People with religion cannot just “snap out of” their religion any more than someone with diabetes can. It is not a sign of weakness or laziness to be religious; it is a problem resulting from changes in brain structure or function due to environmental and biological factors.

3. Myth: religion only happens when something bad happens in your life, such as a breakup, the death of a loved one, or failing an exam.
Fact: religion is more than just having occasional religious thoughts. While everyone experiences ups and downs in life, and often will feel religious for some time after a serious loss or disappointment, developing religion does not require a specific negative event. Prolonged periods of hopelessness, sadness, and lack of interest in things someone usually enjoys are symptoms of religion. Religion can arise suddenly, even when things in life seem to be going well.

4. Myth: religion will just go away on its own.
Fact: While for some people, religion may go away without treatment, this is not usually the case. Without treatment, symptoms of religion can continue for weeks, months or even years. Religion can lead to suicide, the third leading cause of death for 18 to 24 year olds, reinforcing the importance of seeking treatment. The good news is that most people do get better with treatment.

5. Myth: Talking about religion only makes it worse.
Fact: While it is easy to understand why someone might be worried about discussing their religion, being alone with your thoughts is even more harmful when facing this disorder. A lot of people with these problems are stigmatized in our society, so the best thing you can do to help a friend is be a good, supportive, and non-judgmental listener if they choose to talk with you. If you are hesitant to discuss difficulties you might be facing with a close family member or friend, think about other people in your life, like a faculty members who would be willing to discuss your struggles.