Grimy Claus, Also Known as Kletus Kringle

Abby, Paul, Dorothy and Chele enjoy Paul's first Christmas ever in our living room Sunday evening.
Abby, Paul, Dorothy and Chele enjoy Paul’s first Christmas ever in our living room Sunday evening.
With no need of a false beard due to my own greying, I hold Paul dressed as the jolly elf Santa Claus. I haven't dressed as Santa since I was in the sixth grade Christmas play. Then, as now, I required a pillow to make me look fat enough.
With no need of a false beard due to my own greying, I hold Paul dressed as the jolly elf Santa Claus. I haven’t dressed as Santa since I was in the sixth grade Christmas play. Then, as now, I required a pillow to make me look fat enough.

For the Christmas season it is our pleasure to entertain Abby’s daughter Chele, her husband Tom, and our grandson Paul. As many of my friends know, I have decided that my grandson should call me “that grimy chap with the ill-fitting trousers.” But since Paul is just an infant, we are simply working on getting him to say “Grimy.” Part of that has been that all the Christmas gifts were tagged “From Granny and Grimy.”

Santa wishes everyone a safe tactical Christmas.
Santa wishes everyone a safe tactical Christmas.

Add to that the fact that Abby asked me to dress as Santa Claus and the whole Christmas Day celebration got pretty funny.

Then today as the ladies and baby napped, Tom and I went down to the pond to do some tactical shooting. We only brought .22s, which we thought would be funner and less likely to wake those resting. We ended up having a terrific time, including shooting some cans of expired soup I cleaned out of the pantry earlier this week, and shooting some old jugs of iced tea. At the end of the day we laid out a tactical assault course and ran it several times, often with Tom running as fast as he could from one station to the next with me behind him shouting, “Move! Move! Move!”

Tom delivers Christmas presents from Abby and me to his 11-month-old son.
Tom delivers Christmas presents from Abby and me to his 11-month-old son.


  1. I am aware that there was a tragedy involving a man dressed as Santa Claus this holiday season elsewhere in our county. This entry is not meant to be disrespectful of the victims of that incident in any way.

  2. It wasn’t just that I was dressed as Santa, but that I was Santa with a gun. It seemed a little too close and a little too coincidental.

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