Abby had Puppies!

Abby the dog stares me down as I maneuver to photograph her four newborn puppies today.
Abby the dog stares me down as I maneuver to photograph her four newborn puppies today.

Our adoptive mother-in-law Dorothy was recently given a dog. So things would be as clear and unconfusing as possible, the dog is named Abby, just like my wife. For a few days Dorothy called the dog Abby, but it became obvious that it wasn’t going to work, particularly after Dorothy called us and said, “I can’t find Abby anywhere. Can you help me find her?”

My wife responded, “I’m Abby.”

From that day forward, Dorothy called the dog Abbygirl. Abbygirl was pregnant from just about the day Dorothy got her, and last night she delivered four puppies.

I went down to see and photograph them, but Abbygirl was miserly with the photo ops, and I really could only see one or two at a time. The whole time I was there, Abbygirl growled and barked at me, but I stlll managed to get a couple of images.

This is one of Abbygirl's new puppies, nestled on an afghan in Dorothy's living room today.
This is one of Abbygirl's new puppies, nestled on an afghan in Dorothy's living room today.

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