The Rantmeister Himself

Before I rant, something lighthearted.

As the owners/operators of Chihuahuas, Abby and I are amused by references to these animals in popular culture. Thus, this far side cartoon is particularly poignant…

I have no doubt our dogs do this, because...
I have no doubt our dogs do this, because…

After shampooing the carpet in the living room, I stepped into the back of the house to see this…

Apparently Max needed a pick-me-up.
Apparently Max needed a pick-me-up.

Abby and I are certainly no strangers to this, since both dogs like to chew up stuff. One or the other of us will find a chewed up paper towel or Kleenex and announce, “Snow in the hallway!”

Who, me?
Who, me?

So anyway, on with my rantology…

Part of what aggravates me so much about Facebook is that it almost always takes over for a blog or other social site that was inherently better – more content, better presentation, more writing, more individual expression, more creativity – and stuffs it into Facebook’s mold. When that happens, it results in something else I despise, these blogs being abandoned like the Pripyat amusement park. Seriously. I had friends who were writing great stuff – engaging, thoughtful, insightful, intimate stuff – only to stop the very day they joined Facebook. Think I’m kidding? Look at the last post of a blog you once read and liked, then find the date they joined Facebook. The same day?

Despite having some disdain for people who behave like zombies staring at their phones, I did find this method of storing/charging a phone in an outdoor plug at a softball game to be a fairly creative deployment.
Despite having some disdain for people who behave like zombies staring at their phones, I did find this method of storing/charging a phone in an outdoor plug at a softball game to be a fairly creative deployment.

While I’m ranting, I want to tell liberals and conspiracy nuts that there was nothing wrong with George W. Bush’s reaction to the first news of a plane crashing into the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. The left side of the internet seems to think that listening to a few more minutes of grade school kids reading a story either proved he was an idiot or proves some kind of conspiracy, and it does neither. I don’t like it when the right says untrue or misleading things about Barack Obama (citizenship, birthplace, removing the flag from his campaign plane, not saluting the flag, etc.), so it’s not fair – never fair – to use something like the goat story against W.

I've been waiting a couple of years at least to post this. No better time than the present.
I’ve been waiting a couple of years at least to post this. No better time than the present.

1 Comment

  1. W. always gave me the creeps, but I never found his 9-11 reaction particularly disturbing either. Would leaping to his feet and rushing out of room changed anything, other than scaring those kids?

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