One of the best things I’ve been doing in the last few months is what I might casually describe as “reverse blogging.”
Last summer, our photographer friend Robert brought a $1 hardback blank journal for us when he visited, saying that we should make it into a “visit journal.” Yes, that sounded great, but after he left, it occured to me that he only visits once every six months or so, and the book would probably be orphaned.
With plenty of pages for all kinds of topics, I started writing about photography: favorite lenses, favorite films in the film era, favorite places to make pictures… ah. Travel. What if I also made this book a place to record all our travels? Yes, I know that you know I blog about every trip we take (link), but without a doubt, having something like a photographic print or a book full of notes is a very different experience than a website.
I’ve also been adding pullout boxes about everything from which cameras I took to the Grand Canyon to how many hours does it take to drive to Amarillo. It’s taking shape very nicely.
I feel happy every time I pick up a tangible record or result of my creative efforts.

I look forward to seeing this work in person soon.