I had an epiphany the other day about why Facebook, and before it MySpace, is so popular: creating and maintaining a web site is actually a fairly complex and intense task. Most people simply don’t have the time, talent, creativity or taste to create a decent web page or blog. The evidence is overwhelming; just visit anyone’s blog and see how people can take a perfectly innocent Blogger.com theme and add enough annoying plug-ins or widgets to make the thing a complete train wreck. And web sites? Check out the home page of the World’s Nest (click) and scroll down, then scroll down again and again and again. And again. Amazing.
It’s little wonder with all the terrible web sites and blogs out there in the Land of No Imagination that the simple banality of Facebook would end up at the top of Mount Mediocrity.

I was being generous and diplomatic. What I really meant was, “Most people simply don’t have the talent, creativity or taste to create a decent web page or blog.”
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!