Merry Christmas; Freeze, Scumbag!

Abby in her "Armed and Dangerous" Shirt
Abby in her “Armed and Dangerous” Shirt

Abby has been talking about wanting a small automatic of her own for some time now. She’s had a .38 Special for a long time, but ammunition is scarce and expensive, so she doesn’t shoot it much. She doesn’t love the grips on it, and it kicks quite a bit, so she wanted something new and more to her liking.

When we were shopping, we first looked at the Ruger LCP (Lightweight Compact Pistol), which is a 380, and is a very popular sidearm for those with permits to carry concealed weapons. (Abby has a concealed carry permit, but it has expired.)

We discovered, however, that apparently there isn’t much ammo at all available right now with the exception of .22LR. (My Ruger pistol is a .22LR, by the way.) The gun shop had three versions of the popular Walther P22, which felt great in her hands. She picked the brushed-metal-surfaced one. The shop had a pink one which was so not Abby’s style. It’s her early Christmas present. Tonight we went out to the pond and shot it a bit, and she loves it even more.

Abby takes aim with her new Walther P22 pistol down at the pond this evening
Abby takes aim with her new Walther P22 pistol down at the pond this evening

1 Comment

  1. What a woman! As for me, I panic in the presence of guns. I imagine that the gun will unlock its own safety, point itself at me and pull the trigger.

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