Talent Night in Tulsa

Katy Caudle
Katy Caudle

Abby and I have returned from Tulsa, where we covered the 2010 Miss Oklahoma Scholarship Pageant at the invitation of our friend, Miss Oklahoma 2009/Miss Ada 2006 Taylor Treat.

Jamie Drawbaugh
Jamie Drawbaugh

The Ada area had two young ladies in the running, Miss Southeastern Oklahoma Katy Caudle and Miss Ada Jamie Drawbaugh. Neither made the top 15 (the first cut of the evening), but their appearances were excellent and it was nice seeing them.

Of course it was great to see and photograph Taylor again, who made several appearances in Ada during her year as Miss Oklahoma. Last night marked the end of her reign, of course, and while it was sad to see it end, I have to say that it would be hard to ask for a more intelligent and engaging person to represent Oklahoma, nor could we have asked for one with a better cause, service learning.

Thank you, Taylor, for a great year.

Miss Oklahoma 2009 Taylor Treat with her "Stars" in the background during the Miss Oklahoma Pageant Saturday, June 12, at the Mabee Center in Tulsa. Abby likes this image in part due to Taylor's "Fairy Godmother" appearance. (All images in the entry are by Abby S. M. Barron)
Miss Oklahoma 2009 Taylor Treat with the pageant’s “stars” in the background during the Miss Oklahoma Pageant Saturday, June 12, at the Mabee Center in Tulsa. Abby likes this image in part due to Taylor’s “Fairy Godmother” appearance. (All images in this entry are by Abby S. M. Barron)


  1. Great pictures!!! We are so proud of all 3 of our Ada girls! They have represented our town well!

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