Monday was sunny and beautiful out, so Abby and I spent some time on the range getting the red dot sight zeroed on her new NRA Ruger Mk III 22/45.

Afterwards I drove to town to pick up foods to cook out on the Brinkmann grill: mushrooms, squash, red potatoes, onions, veggie chicken patties for me and shrimp for her.
After dinner I cleaned the pistols and rifles. The last eight months of cleaning and rearranging the garage and the workbench were originally spurred by my desire for a good, open work space that could serve as a gun bench.

In addition to our pistols and my rifle we’d just shot, I pulled two very old rifles our of the safe. Neither get shot much, nor cleaned well, and I wanted to remedy that. One is a .22 bolt, and the other a .22lr semi auto, both of obscure brand. I got them apart and cleaned, then reassembled, something of a task because I didn’t have a manual for either, nor had I ever taken them all the way apart before.
Finally, it’s Christmas…

I was presented a multitude of options from which to choose for a Christmas tree ornament this year. I went with He-Man, from Masters of the Universe. That’s how I roll.
By the way, your big photo across the top of the page, with you looking out over a canyon is bad-ass on an epic scale.