Readers might recall that three years ago my media cohorts and I were treated to a “media ride” on the Experimental Aircraft Association’s 1929 Ford Tri-Motor. The “Tin Goose” was in town again this week, and we took the usual media ride.
It was fun, but in all honesty, as a pilot, I’ve flown a lot of airplanes, and done a lot of crazy fun stuff in the sky, so puttering along in the world’s slowest airliner wasn’t exactly a thrill ride. Still, it’s always nice to be in the sky, and fun to meet up and do something unusual with my fellow media friends.
Nice to see Ada from the sky. Didn’t really recognize Arlington Street. No photo of Krazy Korner?
Didn’t really fly over Crazy Corner.
Gotta give it to Ada for being pleasantly green.
Ok I’ll fess up, I want one. Going slow suits my travel style. You’ve always been tall but did you know that you are also plaid?