As most of you know, my excellent Pontiac Grand Am has had a name since the first days after I bought it in 2003: Jean Claude.
That name pretty much happened because it was so easy and clever. In September I bought new Nissan Rogue, and have been pondering a name for it ever since. It’s been six months and nothing obvious has occurred to me, so I am finally giving in and calling it the SLAWD. The reason? It’s written on the hatch in handsome chrome letters.

When I was a kid, I called my parents’ Subaru GL wagon–you guessed it–the Subaroogle.
I think that Dennis should put a claim on his intellectual property for the Subaroogle. That’s a cute name for a Subaru search engine or something. I’m sure Subaru could find a use for it cause it’s cute. I’m just sayin.