I dreamed rather extensively about my dad (who died in 2005) last night. Among other things, I told him that when I travel, I sleep in the cargo hold of buses to save money.

The central theme of the dream seemed to be about me calling him on the phone as I was completing a leg of a hiking and climbing race at Canyonlands, on a volcanic trail I’d never seen before. After finishing the call, I went on to win the race.
Back at home, I wanted to show him my route, but my backpack is full of irrelevant maps and a large amount of various calibers of ammunition. I try to ask Abby where the correct map is, but she is planning an elaborate dinner party, which appears to be early-70s themed.

The “Eugenia” part comes from Gone With the Wind. When Bonnie Blue is first born, Scarlett wants to name her Victoria Eugenia Butler. Rhett, of course, thinks that’s silly and pretentious and insists on Bonnie Blue instead. I figured a fancy pedigreed dog deserved a ridiculous pretentious middle name. Dauphine, of course, comes from the street on which we live.
By the way, that’s a nice picture of you. And daddy is *almost* smiling.