The Daytona 500 of Funerals

The state’s police training facility, located here in Ada, CLEET, called recently and told me that all their students were being let out of class today to drive north to Seminole in a convoy of nearly 100 vehicles, to attend the funeral of two Seminole County deputies who were killed in the line of duty Sunday. I thought it would make a decent shot, so I drove out to the highway north of town about a mile north of CLEET and waited for a few minutes.

I didn’t have a radar gun, but by the time the convoy passed me I would guess they were going about 90 to 95 miles an hour. I know they were going to a funeral for their fallen comrades, but come on! I find the fact that they were speeding very offensive. Do you think they would let me speed to a funeral? Do cops even care about the law?

1 Comment

  1. When I first posted this, I was still on, and the comments were completely infantile: “Come on, Richard, these cops lost a fellow officer in the line of duty,” as if that is any kind of argument at all for breaking laws or endangering innocent drivers.

    That response, of course, speaks to the underlying notion that the public are “sheeple,” deeply and secretly afraid of police, and feel they need to revere them or be thought unpatriotic somehow.

    Honestly, you who think it’s okay for cops to speed, for soldiers to pillage, for politicians to steal, for journalists to lie, should finally look yourselves in the mirror and admit that you have created a nation and a world that you hate.

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