Sticking the Landings

Journal, April 1, 1994: I got checked out on the Piper PA28 Cherokee 160 this afternoon. I flew it just great, start to finish. The instructor said he “really enjoyed” flying with me. It wasn’t a perfect day. The wind was at 220 at 20, and it was quite squirrelly on final, all cross-controlled.

It weights about the same as the Cessna 172, but the wing (the infamous Hersey-bar wing) is very different, so when you pull the throttle to idle, it comes down!

On the other hand, it was docile in the stall in all configurations, showing no inclination to drop a wing. In slow fight, we were surprised that it required full “up” trim. It only buffeted mildly in the stall, and only with full flaps.

I was very happy to be in the air again.

Journal, April 2, 1994: The Cessna 152 I rent in Shawnee made a forced landing in nearby Tecumseh after the pilot ran it out of fuel. The pilot told the newspaper the right tank’s gauge read half-full. What a moron.

Journal, April 6, 1994: I made a great flight to Holdenville and back this evening. It was rough at all altitudes, but I made a smooth approach and landing.

Journal, April 16, 1994: I started with four landings: short, soft, no-flap, forward slip. I’m still sharp.

It was an absolutely perfect night for flight. After flying northwest for a bit to check out a grass fire, I headed into the setting sun. I called OKC approach. The controller was confused – she gave me three different squawk codes. But we worked it out. I made a touch-and-go at Wiley Post, then got vectored downtown, then to Norman, where I did another touch-and-go, then headed home.

Journal, April 23, 1994: Flew today. Visibility in haze was no better than about six miles, but it was enough. I got N172FJ at Shawnee and flew it over to Seminole at 6500 feet. I had a great time, but my landings in the Skyhawk need work.

Journal, August 11, 1994: I shot seven of the best landings of my life this evening on runway 12. The wind was right out of 120. Normal, short field, soft field,  no flap, forward slip, everything.

The view is always good up here.
The view is always good up here.