Friday, April 3, 2020.
No, this is not a suicide note or an autobituary.
In the current scenario of risk around us, it is entirely possible that we could be at risk of illness and death.
I thought of this in February when I had the flu. What will become of my intellectual and creative content, the embodiment of everything I ever photographed and written, if I die?
And how would anyone reading my website, for example, know if I had shuffled off this mortal coil?
This is a good idea but also sad and slightly terrifying that you’ve found it necessary. On the other hand, when I stop and think about this thing that is stalking the land, peeking in all our windows at night, taking away our livelihoods and our joy and freedom (I won’t be able to see my grandkids for weeks, if not months), I wonder how close we all are to death by Great God COVID.
Glad to know you are both still healthy at this point and continue to be healthy!