Come Rain or Come Shine

After replacing the propane flow regulator last night, I was good to go for another round of cooking out.
After replacing the propane flow regulator last night, I was good to go for another round of cooking out.
This is our front door peep hole, through which sun shines twice a year, at dates around the equinoxes, since our house faces east.
This is our front door peep hole, through which sun shines twice a year, at dates around the equinoxes, since our house faces east.

After a nice period of rain, the sun is out.

So, some notes I’ve kept in my phone…

  • Snifter? Damn near kilter!
  • Little Fudgies
  • Diabetic in training
  • Least-liked Roman dictator: Doucheous
  • Chop suet
  • Chopped sewage
  • Girl names: Irony, Sarcasta, and Filtha


Abby looked super-beautiful to me the other night, so I wanted to photograph her, and she wanted Sierra the Chihuahua in at least one frame.
Abby looked super-beautiful to me the other night, so I wanted to photograph her, and she wanted Sierra the Chihuahua in at least one frame.
Not to be outdone in cuteness, Max the Chihuahua has recently claimed the yarn bin as his own.
Not to be outdone in cuteness, Max the Chihuahua has recently claimed the yarn bin as his own.

Looking at a woman’s cart ahead of me in line at Wal Mart, I see: tuna, eggs, catsup, 7Up, and a flyswatter.

So, spring is upon us.

Abby takes aim with her .22 Magnum Winchester 1894 replica recently; Longmire carries one (in .30-30) in the television series, which is one of our favorites.
Abby takes aim with her .22 Magnum Winchester 1894 replica recently; Longmire carries one (in .30-30) in the television series, which is one of our favorites.

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