The Reanimated Corpse of Marcia Brady

Dream: I am in a bar with Brady Bunch father Robert Reed. He is talking to a parrot who gradually becomes a cat, then a dead cat that he has reanimated. The bottom half of the cat is in a mason jar. As the conversation progresses, it becomes clear from subtle clues in the cat’s language, particularly its correct use of prepositional phrases, that it has “thawed,” and is, in fact, Brady Bunch actress Maureen McCormick. We at the bar rejoice that she has been successfully reanimated. I am next in an Episcopal church, where Reed is apparently intending to marry Marcia’s reanimated corpse. Our dogs are there, but as Abby and I go to look for them and clean up their poo, the ceremony starts. I rush to take the dogs to the car and get a camera. When I return to the church, the attendees are performing extreme tuxedo planking.