I got all frisky with the chores today. My first task was taking the power strips that were on the floor behind my computer desk and mounting them on the back of the desk itself. It sounded like a pretty straightforward chore, but it can-of-wormed on me pretty quickly. I decided, for example, that while I had the desk pulled out from the wall that I would detangle all the cables and zip-tie them in an effort to de-spaghetti-ize the mess. It was incredibly effective. When I was done it was totally the cheese.
I also got out into the garden with the tiller and tilled up a whole new strip of earth, increasing the garden area by 40% or more. I’ve also decided to till up the strawberries and put something else there. Sometime down the road, I’ll maybe build an elevated area for strawberries – they are very awkward to harvest on the ground.
I also did a load of dishes, and two loads of wash, and cleaned some more in the garage. I rock!