A Room with a View

In the process of prepping content for a couple of posts here, I came across an old photo of my room in high school in Lawton, Oklahoma.

Last year, my sister Nicole and her husband Tracey accompanied me on a one-day nostalgia tour of Lawton, and we went by our homes in Lawton. One, where we lived when I was in high school, was abandoned, probably a victim of the mortgage crisis.

A house isn’t a home. It’s just a house. Home is where you make it.

This is the southeast corner of my room in 1979.
This is the southeast corner of my room in 1979.
This is the same corner of the same room in 2012.
This is the same corner of the same room in 2012.


  1. I loved that bedspread. I’m going to assume that’s a Book of Common Prayer on the nightstand.

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