Why Did I Unfriend You?

I've been waiting a while to use this image. This is a beanbag doll I had in the 1970s and early 1980s, named "Copeless." His name and countenance symbolize a generation of cynicism.
I’ve been waiting a while to use this image. This is a beanbag doll I had in the 1970s and early 1980s, named “Copeless.” His name and countenance symbolize a generation of cynicism.

Today on Facebook someone I like posted the following: “Obama has to go. His agenda is to ruin this country.”

I unfriended her within seconds, and here’s why: neither the Democrats nor the Republicans want to “ruin” the nation. You have to be pretty small-minded to think such dogmatic, robotic thoughts.

I’ve talked about this before, but I think it deserves further mention. I am very liberal. I think the Republicans, and many of the Democrats, are seriously misguided in their thinking. I thought George W. Bush was a very poor president, and not a very bright guy. Still, at no point did I think he or the Republicans wanted to ruin our country.

I think we all want America to be great. I think we all want to be happy and free. The difference between Obama and Bush, between Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, between liberal and conservative, is simply that we have very different ideas about how to get it done.

So if you start spouting off about how the other side wants to “ruin” the country, I beg you to reconsider. And until you can break free of your angry flag-waving and name-calling, I won’t be adding you as a friend or approving your comments.


  1. “You’re a whole different person when you’re scared.”

    We are certainly subjects in the Kingdom of Fear.

  2. I have about reached my limit of the incessant “I hate Obama” crowd that feels it necessary to blame anything and everything on either President Obama or the Democrats in general. The part that seems terribly ironic is usually those that are the most critical are the ones that claim to love their flag and country the most, yet have absolutely zero respect for the office.

    One particular person I know holds a supervisory position and I have heard her say she doesn’t care what her subordinates think of her personally but they should “respect the office” she holds.

    She posts an anti-Obama post almost daily and has called him virtually every name one can think of.

    Sadly, I feel the rhetoric is the problem. The hatred has reached a point there is no willingness for compromise on either side now. Everyone is standing their ground on their particular principles, so rather than moving forward with solving problems, we are all just standing here… on our principles… accomplishing nothing.

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