Early Peaches

There are few things I like more about living in the country than the life: the rabbits, the frogs, the snakes, the wildflowers, the pasture, and the things I grow, like these peaches I picked tonight.
There are few things I like more about living in the country than the life: the rabbits, the frogs, the snakes, the wildflowers, the pasture, and the things I grow, like these peaches I picked tonight.

Abby got sick at the beginning of the month right around the same time historic rains came to our area. The two combined for a perfect storm of garden neglect. The vegetable garden is full of weeds, but it’s still growing tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and yellow squash.

I’ve had to mow a lot with the rains to keep up with the forest-like growth of the yards. As I ride by on the John Deere lately, I’ve been grabbing a peach or two from one of my trees. Tonight I stuck my head into its foliage and pulled out about six lopsided, knotty, partially ripe fruit and took them inside to cut up for a snack. They’re not pretty like grocery store peaches, but they tasted good.

I photographed them and ripped the card to my computer, where I saw a few frames I shot when Abby was in the hospital. It was a stormy night, and the power went out for a while. After doing some journal research by light from the hurricane lamps I gave to my parents for Christmas in 1989 (which I got back after they passed away), I went to bed with the power still out.

With the hurricane lamps lit and several flashlights around, including my headlamp set to red, I did some research on an old journal before turning in. Abby was in the hospital, so it was an oddly quiet, lonely night in the dark.
With the hurricane lamps lit and several flashlights around, including my headlamp set to red, I did some research on an old journal before turning in. Abby was in the hospital, so it was an oddly quiet, lonely night in the dark.