My Chances of Being Struck by Lightning…

This is the first year my cherry trees, which I planted in 2007, have shown significant blossoms.
This is the first year my cherry trees, which I planted in 2007, have shown significant blossoms.

Today’s order of battle:

  • Woke up at 8 am feeling fully rested, with no desire to go back to sleep.

    This toad was evicted from the grass I tilled up in the garden this afternoon.
    This toad was evicted from the grass I tilled up in the garden this afternoon.
  • Mowed like it was the grasspocalypse, including Dorothy’s yards, the bar ditches, the golf course, the south forty, and our front yard.
  • Fired up the cranky tiller and tilled the entire garden thoroughly.
  • Increased my chances of being struck by lightning by photographing the yard, a toad, and my cherry blossoms as a thunderstorm approached.
  • Watched from the garage as a handsome thunderstorm rolled through Byng.

Of note: the tiller starts just fine, but, like a lot of airplane engines I flew over the years, does not like to start when it’s hot. Fortunately, I kept it running for the whole session. Also, if the warm weather holds, this could end up being an excellent season for peaches, cherries, and pears. I’m hoping to get the garden planted this week; I like to wait until April because I have lost crops to frost twice in recent years.

It was nice to be outside today, and now, as I prepare to have dinner, I am feeling exhausted.

This rainbow appeared briefly after the passage of a thunderstorm this evening.
This rainbow appeared briefly after the passage of a thunderstorm this evening.