“And the Rain Sets In…”

After weeks of dryness and officially being classified in the “D3 – Drought Extreme” category by the U. S. Drought Monitor web site, the rain we have been missing has finally set in.

Abby and I took Dorothy, our fe facto mother-in-law, to Kingston, Oklahoma yesterday to have lunch with Dorothy’s son Ralph and his significant other Darla. Ralph is very seriously ill with leukemia.

We are all feeling how good it is to finally see the rain.

“I’m deranged
Deranged my love
I’m deranged down down down
So cruise me babe
cruise me baby
And the rain sets in
It’s the angel-man
I’m deranged…” -David Bowie, I’m Deranged

Abby's rain chimes sit in the front yard this morning. As I write this, the National Weather Service has issued another tornado watch for eastern Oklahoma.
Abby’s rain chimes sit in the front yard this morning. As I write this, the National Weather Service has issued another tornado watch for eastern Oklahoma.


  1. Those are called “rain chimes”? I always thought they were known as “mosquito breeders”.

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