The Frost Man Cometh

Have a cup of shelter: I removed these coffee cans and buckets this morning from my tomato and pepper plants, and they all seemed to have weathered the cold spell nicely.
Have a cup of shelter: I removed these coffee cans and buckets this morning from my tomato and pepper plants, and they all seemed to have weathered the cold spell nicely.
A tiny plum clings to the branch of one of my new plum trees this morning.
A tiny plum clings to the branch of one of my new plum trees this morning.

Last night was our third freeze warning in as many weeks. This does not bode well for my peaches and plums, but, as previously, I covered my tomato and pepper plants with coffee cans and buckets. When I left for work this morning, Jean Claude Grand Am had a substantial coat of frost on the windshield, so the forecast was right. A late frost or freeze is common around Oklahoma, but I can’t remember ever having to deal with three of them.

I worked two baseball games yesterday. Normally I complain about February baseball, which the college plays since they need to finish their season by the first of May, but yesterday I wore my cold weather bundle of a fleece jacket under my squall jacket, with my hood on the entire time.

Blossoms on my cherry trees seems a bit damaged, but remained on the trees after last night's light freeze.
Blossoms on my cherry trees seems a bit damaged, but remained on the trees after last night’s light freeze.