Dream: “Negative Guy” and I were in a grade school, apparently helping out some criminals. We try to go around a security checkpoint, and are successful after some arguing. We get to Negative Guy’s room, where we try to collect our photo gear, but can’t seem to find it. When I turn off the overhead light, he says, “Okay, but leave the radio on. Whenever I come here, I need the soothing sound of the radio.” Suddenly David and two FBI agents burst in, all wearing nothing but diapers. I hold them at gunpoint with a really cool pistol derivative of the FN P90. David grins and says to me, “I don’t suppose the towel trick will work this time.” He throws a towel at me, so I shoot him and the FBI guys, but instead of actually shooting him, I yell, “Blap! Blap blap! Blap!” David’s daughter is then with us, only as a baby, and she pushes over a console stereo. When she falls to the floor, she turns to liquid. David runs to her and reconstitutes her and she cries.