Abby and I spent yesterday together, mostly cleaning on the house, then in the evening making the dreaded Wal Mart run, followed by dinner out.
In the middle of the day, though, we took time out to shoot her new Walther PK-380, a pistol which might be the perfect handgun for my wife. She has slender hands in the first place, but to make matters worse, they are arthritic. As a result she has difficulty operating many firearms, which frustrates her. I read about this pistol, and about how lightly the slide operates and how mild the recoil is for a 9mm weapon. Saturday we met at Gunrunners in Ada and looked at one, and decided it might be perfect for her.
I was right, since the slide pull is very light (you can actually pull it all the way back to chamber a round using just two fingers on the safety), and the recoil of the .380 auto in a handgun of this size is as advertised. Since it is built on a polymer frame, the whole thing is lightweight as well. She didn’t shoot as well with it as she wanted, but I think she expects herself to be a world champion with every round she fires. We had fun, though, shooting it down at the pond yesterday. Nice gun.
Later as I was taking trash to the curb down our 100-yard-long driveway, I noticed, as I had before, that the beam from my headband flashlight was causing tiny flashes of blue-white spots from the grass. I had read or heard that these were actually spider’s eyes shining back at me as they hunted at night. I bent down next to one of the brighter ones to look, and sure enough, it was a young wolf spider. As I walked I saw dozens more points of light, and every one I checked was a wolf spider. Based on what I saw last night there are hundreds or thousands of spiders in our pasture, hunting at night. Cool.