2013: The Year in Review for the Giant Muh

… a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing…

Canyonlands National Park, April 2013
Canyonlands National Park, April 2013
  • January: Our remaining goat, Buxton, passed away. (As of this writing, Abby and I are talking about getting baby goats in the spring.)
  • February: I added six fruit trees to the orchard.

    Buxton the Goat
    Buxton the Goat
  • March: The pilot beside whom I learned to fly, Dub Tolliver, died after a battle with cancer.
  • April: Jim Beckel and I took a Utah hiking trip called Terra Sanctus.
  • May: Two major tornado events struck Oklahoma in nearby counties, but we were spared.
  • June: Abby and received our handgun licenses from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI).
  • July: My wife and I travelled to Maryland to visit her daughter Chele, her husband Tom, and our grandson Paul. The trip is called The Metro.
  • July: Tenth anniversary of the first vacation Abby and I took together, The High Road.
  • July: We took delivery of a new Nissan Juke.
  • December: Three major ice storms struck before the solstice (meaning that although they were called winter storms, it was still autumn.)
  • December: Chele, Tom and the grandson visited just before Christmas, and thanks to a happy coincidence, we were able to take Paul to his first parade.
The Metro subway system in Washington, DC.
The Metro subway system in Washington, DC.

Other working titles:

2013 Nissan Juke
2013 Nissan Juke
  • The Year of Living Giant Muhly
  • Taking the Browns to the Super Bowl
  • Smear the Queer
  • Self-Actualizing My Butt Off
  • O Garden My Garden
  • The Most Dangerous Game
  • It’s Gotta Be the Shoes
  • Too Much Pee and Politics
  • A New Regime with a New Web Site
The third ice storm of the season struck just hours before the official start of winter.
The third ice storm of the season struck just hours before the official start of winter.