Natural Foods and Another Lottery Win

My own home-grown bell peppers and grape tomatoes sit on my cutting board at lunch time yesterday. Nothing in the world pays off more than taking care of your body.
My own home-grown bell peppers and grape tomatoes sit on my cutting board at lunch time yesterday. Nothing in the world pays off more than taking care of your body.

Readers might recall that earlier this year I won the lottery. A coworker and I were talking about people who win big money in casino gambling or lotteries and manage to be broke within a year, or on at least a few occasions spend it all, win again, and spend all of that, too.

The contradiction of this product is obvious: vegans don't love meat.
The contradiction of this product is obvious: vegans don’t love meat.

Apparently I am the that guy, because when I won in February, I spent all $34, and now I have won again, $500 from Lotto America ($100 x5 because I bought to “bonus”). I doubt I will be able to hold on to it, either, as, and I quote Wall Street, “A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.”

Also in a conversation recently, I mentioned that I tried a new “Meat Lovers Vegan Burger,” which I thought was inherently contradictory. The product was very tasty, but a friend mentioned that it was full of artificial this and that. I pointed out that veggie burgers didn’t make up the bulk of my diet. That’s reserved for foods like grains, beans, fruit, and garden vegetables.

[stextbox id=’download’ caption=’So What Am I Eating?’]Water, vegetable oil (corn, canola, and/or sunflower oil), wheat gluten, soy protein isolate, soy flour. contains 2% or less of natural flavor, methylcellulose, cornstarch, salt, cooked onion and carrot juice concentrate, sunflower oil, spices, garlic powder, onion powder, yeast extract, tomato paste (tomatoes), xanthan gum.[/stextbox]

Not only was I able to fix the washer, I got to make this cool knob selfie!
Not only was I able to fix the washer, I got to make this cool knob selfie!

A short but harsh heat wave has broken. Mowing last night was a particularly dusty affair, especially after I accidentally mowed over part of the ash pile behind the garden. Poof! This morning, despite a big dose of antihistamines at bedtime, I was all snotty.

Finally, a negative note turned positive: our Kenmore Elite front loading washer gave me a “LOC” message over the weekend, and Abby and I assumed it would need to be repaired. Not only were we out of clothes, we had just paid to have the air conditioner repaired. Thankfully, the internet gave up a solution: push hard and hold the “Drum Lock” button for five seconds. Boop!

I made this view a couple of nights ago while walking back to the house after bringing some garden fruits and vegetables to the next door neighbors, the Nipps.
I made this view a couple of nights ago while walking back to the house after bringing some garden fruits and vegetables to the next door neighbors, the Nipps.