Readers might recall that earlier this year I won the lottery. A coworker and I were talking about people who win big money in casino gambling or lotteries and manage to be broke within a year, or on at least a few occasions spend it all, win again, and spend all of that, too.

Apparently I am the that guy, because when I won in February, I spent all $34, and now I have won again, $500 from Lotto America ($100 x5 because I bought to “bonus”). I doubt I will be able to hold on to it, either, as, and I quote Wall Street, “A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place.”
Also in a conversation recently, I mentioned that I tried a new “Meat Lovers Vegan Burger,” which I thought was inherently contradictory. The product was very tasty, but a friend mentioned that it was full of artificial this and that. I pointed out that veggie burgers didn’t make up the bulk of my diet. That’s reserved for foods like grains, beans, fruit, and garden vegetables.
[stextbox id=’download’ caption=’So What Am I Eating?’]Water, vegetable oil (corn, canola, and/or sunflower oil), wheat gluten, soy protein isolate, soy flour. contains 2% or less of natural flavor, methylcellulose, cornstarch, salt, cooked onion and carrot juice concentrate, sunflower oil, spices, garlic powder, onion powder, yeast extract, tomato paste (tomatoes), xanthan gum.[/stextbox]

A short but harsh heat wave has broken. Mowing last night was a particularly dusty affair, especially after I accidentally mowed over part of the ash pile behind the garden. Poof! This morning, despite a big dose of antihistamines at bedtime, I was all snotty.
Finally, a negative note turned positive: our Kenmore Elite front loading washer gave me a “LOC” message over the weekend, and Abby and I assumed it would need to be repaired. Not only were we out of clothes, we had just paid to have the air conditioner repaired. Thankfully, the internet gave up a solution: push hard and hold the “Drum Lock” button for five seconds. Boop!