Taking a Big Bite of Green

When you grow things, every step is an achievement, like seeing the first little green tomatoes on the vine this week. The lowest ones will probably be eaten by rabbits, but they are good to see anyway.
When you grow things, every step is an achievement, like seeing the first little green tomatoes on the vine this week. The lowest ones will probably be eaten by rabbits, but they are good to see anyway.
Abby and I planted radishes not because we eat them, but because they are fun to grow. These long, tube-shaped variety is called "French breakfast."
Abby and I planted radishes not because we eat them, but because they are fun to grow. These long, tube-shaped variety is called “French breakfast.”

My garden grows well this season. I talked years ago about how good it is for me. I haven’t had a garden since 2015, due to one circumstance after another, but having one gives me a place to be alone and listen to music, time with Hawken the Irish Wolfhound (just on the other side of the fence), and an activity that is outdoors, healthy, and productive.

Summer Time Lane, the Chihuahua we adopted in April, prowls the front yard.
Summer Time Lane, the Chihuahua we adopted in April, prowls the front yard.
Bell peppers the size of raisins might not sound like an achievement in your book, but in mine, it means big, delicious peppers in July.
Bell peppers the size of raisins might not sound like an achievement in your book, but in mine, it means big, delicious peppers in July.
I don't know the name of this weed, but I've pulled up about a drillion of them from the garden. If I let them grow, they'll be as tall as I am by fall.
I don’t know the name of this weed, but I’ve pulled up about a drillion of them from the garden. If I let them grow, they’ll be as tall as I am by fall.

I can’t say enough good things about working outside, even if it’s just for a few minutes. I have a little slogan in my head: something every day. So if I don’t really have time to pull of all the weeds, I’ll at least pull up one weed.

I also continue to walk the Wolfhound every day, which has been good for both of us, and for my health and the health of my lower back.

Despite having a jaw big and strong enough to crush a Buick, Hawken is one of the gentlest dogs I've ever known. Sunday night he visited the neighbor's kids and grandkids, including a two-year-old, and had a great time being the center of their attention.
Despite having a jaw big and strong enough to crush a Buick, Hawken is one of the gentlest dogs I’ve ever known. Sunday night he visited the neighbor’s kids and grandkids, including a two-year-old, and had a great time being the center of their attention.

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