Drag Marks

Branches from the Elm tree along the fence in the south pasture; I chain sawed them down one day, and hauled them off the next
Branches from the Elm tree along the fence in the south pasture; I chain sawed them down one day, and hauled them off the next

It always amazes me that three minutes of chain sawing results in three hours of brush disposal. I spent some quality time tonight dragging branches to the brush pile behind the old grey barn. These were branches that were broken by the ice storm, which I then chopped up with my new red chain saw.

It also amazes me that I am a guy with a chain saw.

It was a beautiful night to be outside, though, and I pushed myself hard to move all that material by hand as fast as I could. It makes sense, since I get a workout and it gets work done that needs to be done.

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