Snow on the Dashboard

A quick glance out the front door shows that the predicted snowfall has just begun.
A quick glance out the front door shows that the predicted snowfall has just begun.

Are there any other Apple Macintosh users out there? If there are, and assuming you are using Tiger, Leopard, or Snow Leopard, you know what the Dashboard is. For those of you who don’t, it is a quick interface to some handy small applications called Widgets. I don’t use mine as much as I think I should, since it’s got tremendous potential. But I do have a few cool Widgets, like a weather radar, iStat Pro that monitors my entire system, or one that shows the status of Time Machine, Apple’s automatic backup app.

I was glancing at mine this morning to see if the snow had started this morning when I noticed that my weather Widget had snow above it. I honestly had no idea it would do that.

The obvious sidebar story is this: yes, it is snowing on the first day of spring, at the tail end of the snowiest winter either Abby or I can remember. In fact, the forecast calls for up to eight inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. Abby and I are planning to spend the night at Echo Canyon Resort in Sulphur, about 35 miles southwest of here, and because of the forecast, we are planning to drive down in her Jeep.

Spring is slated to return Monday, with a slush-melting high of 55ºF.

As you can see, the snow icon appears in front of and above the weather widget. I hope it doesn't get my web site wet.
Snow icon appears in front of and above the weather widget. I hope it doesn't get my web site wet.