Funniest porn title ever: My Best Friend’s Wetting.
There is a lot of invalid denial about climate change. Fine. Be a child. Pretend.
It has been a spookily cool and wet fall here in on the patch in southeastern Oklahoma. You could certainly point to climate change as a possible cause.

My biggest problem with the whole climate change scene is a) the sky has been falling for 30 years, and Venice and New Orleans are still above sea level, and b) not acting on climate change is implied support for big corporations and their profits, which supporters generally never see, while at the same time, no one will ever say, “The Grand Canyon is full of gas wells, but I sure am glad Moneyco had a great third quarter report in 2018.”
Also as I write this, Megamillions just rolled up to “$1.0 Billion.” Yes, I have a ticket, but we all know that I’ve never been struck by lightning, never drowned in a river rescue, never been diagnosed with a brain tumor, all of which are much more likely than winning a billion dollar lottery. Still, the ticket in my billfold changes my odds of winning from zero to non-zero.

Always good to see pictures of and read about life on the farm. As to climate change, I’m pretty much on board with what the scientists have to say. To deny man’s impact on the environment, given the amount of fossil fuels we have burned at an unprecedented rate over just the past 100 years or so, is to deny reality. But I’m also frightened by the amount of deforestation I see, particularly here in Arkansas, which is supposed to be one of the trees-iest states in the country. Huge forests have been decimated in the last two-three years; I drive through areas I don’t recognize. In addition to wondering what effect that has on climate in the region, I wonder (and worry) about wildlife.
But I didn’t mean to get on a soap box! Nice coverage!
In control of what, I wonder?