By “boo boos,” I am referring to pooping. This story dates back almost 20 years, during a period when I was visiting my friends in Norman, Oklahoma quite often.

We decided to meet for lunch one Sunday at Sooner Fashion Mall. As we arrived, I ducked into the bathroom at Piccadilly Cafeteria for a bathroom break (even though we weren’t eating there.) Upon sitting down and beginning doing my business, I noted the stall next to mine was occupied.
What happened next was odd. A voice came from the stall next to me. “Oh, yeah. This is gonna be a good one. Here it comes! Oh, yeah.”
It was one of those things that you think you might have imagined. Maybe if it didn’t really happen and I am quiet, it won’t happen again.
“Okay, here comes another one. This one’s gonna be even better. Ooohhh yeah!”
At that point I buttoned up my business and got out of there.
According to a bumper sticker I saw today, OMG stands for “Obama Must Go!”