The House that Jack Built

The House in Ryan, which I think is a lovely place. I understand why Abby is upset that it is selling - it is one of those houses that seems to tell you stories when you are merely walking its halls.
The House in Ryan, which I think is a lovely place. I understand why Abby is upset that it is selling – it is one of those houses that seems to tell you stories when you are merely walking its halls.

In the process of cleaning the old house in Ryan, then hauling home some of the relics, Abby and I are now suffering from congestion in our throats and sinuses. Initially I was attributing it to mowing after we got home yesterday, since I drove the riding mower through some areas of last year’s poison ivy. But since Abby didn’t mow, and is also congested, we think it might be a reaction to dust and mold stirred up from the old house.

Sidebar: while I was mowing I spotted two Rottweilers who were looking at our goats not as charming playthings, but as tender and delicious delicacies. I shouted at them and got them to leave, but they returned. I asked Abby what to do, so she yelled at them, and they did not return. Moral: Abby is all-powerful.