“America is Already Great”
Today is election day. I have remained mostly silent on this subject until now, but I no longer see a need to do so. The fact that Donald Trump is a presidential candidate at all is bordering on the obscene. He is a selfish, womanizing, amoral douchebag, and obviously so. He is also very obviously not, as so many slow thinkers on Facebook have asserted, a “good Christian.” I am proud to say that I voted for Hillary Clinton, and I know she will be a good president like Barack Obama before her, who I regard as a great man and a great president. It is now 3:18 pm central time, and I predict Clinton will win, and I want to say that success is due to Trump supporters and the Republican party, who have yet again given America no choice but to elect a Democrat.
I would also like to tell gun owners to buy ammo, because Hillary is going to take your guns away just like Obama did.
With Abby remaining a bit under the weather, she and I elected not to drive to Ardmore this week to see her step mother-in-law Ethel, who fell and broke her hip, had it replaced, and is about to begin physical therapy. We sent flowers instead.
Abby rested, so I retreated into chores, all of which needed to be done anyway. I finished painting our gun bench, which was Abby’s father’s, so I was obliged to paint it the same color, battleship grey, which was fine by me. It look great, and I am eager to place it in on the range at the west end of the pasture and use it.
After I painted the bench, I wanted to retrieve an empty chest of drawers from behind the mountain/nest of “can you put this somewhere in the garage” stuff so I could use it. Pulling it out was like pulling a thread from a sweater, and the whole nest came apart. I was ready, though, and spent the next three hours moving, organizing, throwing out trash, assembling shelves, then reassembling the whole thing into a much neater, cleaner, less-spidery storage area.
Then this morning, I went to the RV to try to diagnose a plumbing problem a guest reported. It turned out that the potty was full and backed up into the shower. I took care of that, and while I was at it, I decided to fire up the generator to make sure it is ready for any winter storms coming later this fall. Once it started, it ran for half a minute then stopped. I tried it over and over, with the same result, so I left it, feeling discouraged.

In the house, I shampooed the “hot spot” in the carpet where the dogs come in from the yard. In the middle of that, however, there was another plumbing crisis, this one in the house, with which I dealt. So it was an oddly sewagey day.
Later I went out by the RV to wash a piece of outdoor furniture, which I discovered was infested with ants, and cranked up the generator, just out of curiosity. It started and ran just fine. Hm. Moody appliances.

Glad to know I’m not the only one with a storage area in need of organizing/clearing out. We, too, have dealt with plumbing issues lately. And, yes, we voted today, and for Hillary, and you’re absolutely right not just about The Donald but about looking forward to Clinton’s presidency AND the fact that BO is a great man and president. I think so many people are afraid to voice that fact. I have kept quiet about my presidential preference due to family members who are STRONGLY Republican and STRONGLY pro-Christian …. though Donald ran neither as a Republican nor as a Christian. Something those folks can’t seem to recognize, or refuse to admit.
I have such grill envy! We have that same stepladder. I echo your Obama feelings. Love that man. Kind of hoping he remains hella public.
So, yeah …. about that election ……