The Pig is in the Poke

Read to fly, Tom and Chele pose with our grandson Paul at Wil Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City this morning.
Read to fly, Tom and Chele pose with our grandson Paul at Wil Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City this morning.

Over the years I have established many of my idiosyncrasies into my family’s lexicon, including, “The Pig is in the Poke,” which is a generic phrase meaning that some task has been accomplished, such as depositing a check, taking clothes to the dry cleaner, or delivering someone to the airport.

When Tom and Chele’s plane landed at Wil Rogers in Oklahoma City Saturday with our grandson Paul in their lap, they texted me the words, “The Pig is in the Poke.”

Yesterday we loaded up into the RV and drove to Abby’s hometown, Ryan, Oklahoma, to show off the baby to the kin. Everyone adored him of course, and it was a great time rumbling around in that beast of a vehicle, which I think we should name “The Kowalski,” after the protagonist in our favorite movie, Vanishing Point.

Today I took Chele, Tom and Paul to the airport to see them off. As always, it didn’t seem to last nearly long enough, and as always it was wonderful to see them.

And the pig is in the poke.

Some of the kin crowd visit at Abby's sister Gail's house in Ryan, Oklahoma yesterday; From the left are Chele, Abby's father's widow Ethel, Abby holding grandson Paul, Gail, and Dorothy.
Some of the kin crowd visit at Abby's sister Gail's house in Ryan, Oklahoma yesterday; From the left are Chele, Abby's father's widow Ethel, Abby holding grandson Paul, Gail, and Dorothy.


  1. The preceeding was my suggestion for the camper. Then again I don’t really see any psycho present. Perhaps just Taxiplasm. I’ll have to meet this vanishing protagonist of yours.

    Now my pig is in the poke.

  2. I too belong to this grand land and to me, Pig in a poke means purchasing a product that you don’t know will be of any worth to you. Like buying the contents of a storage shed would be buying a pig in a poke. That’s the way I have always used the phrase. I guess by my definition that a mail order bride would be a pig in a poke!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

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