I would be remiss in my countryly duties if I didn’t mention that it is late spring in the bucolic splendor of southeastern Oklahoma. Of note…
- Max the Chihuahua got out of the fenced front yard tonight. When Abby and I discovered he was gone, I expected to see him in the south pasture, chasing one of the numerous Eastern Cottontails we’ve seen lately. When I walked around the corner of the house, I saw him doing exactly that. He didn’t catch the rabbit, but I was proud of him anyway.
- There are good wildflowers in the pasture, including Winecup, Indian Blanket, and Indian Paintbrush.
- While parking the mower, I spotted a bird emerging from the refrigerator access panel on the RV. When I took the panel off, I found enough straw and feathers to stuff a travel pillow, plus about eight small eggs and a dead, desiccated bird.
It’s starting to feel like summer.

Although these eggs did not hatch, I am struck with the power of nature’s optimism.
Nature is opportunistic.
Nature is persistent.
Nature wins.