Trying to Kill Jim

I have just returned from another amazing Colorado Plateau adventure, this time with Daily Oklahoman photographer Jim Beckel.

In addition to a constant stream of amazing conversation, Jim and I hiked some of southeastern Utah’s best trails, and shot tons of images and video. Early in the hiking, he kept telling me I was trying to kill him by making him hike some difficult trails, but as the week went by, he got his legs under him, and by the end he was charging up trails like a pro.

I feel like I am now better friends with Jim than ever, and I can’t wait to get my images edited and post a trip report. I’ll post a link here to the report on The Traveller in a couple of weeks.

Now I am happy to be home again with my lovely wife and the dogs.

Photographer Jim Beckel makes images from a boulder above Squaw Flat Campground at Canyonlands National Park, Utah, last week. This was Jim's first trip to the wilds of the Colorado Plateau, but hopefully not his last.
Photographer Jim Beckel makes images from a boulder above Squaw Flat Campground at Canyonlands National Park, Utah, last week. This was Jim’s first trip to the wilds of the Colorado Plateau, but hopefully not his last.