During a recent trip out west, which I aborted because of a death in the family, I stopped at something I have photographed several times over the years, a touristy knock-off of Stanley Marsh’s famous Cadillac Ranch, the Bug Ranch. Located at an exit along Interstate 40 at Conway, Texas, this display of Volkswagens buried in the ground was part of a store and motel complex that has long since failed, and is now being reclaimed by nature.
It’s only a stop because it’s funny to see and is on the Interstate we use when traveling out west. I can recall stopping there in 2002, 2003, 2004, and this time. I expect that it will continue to deteriorate for some time followed by the property being purchased by some developer who will build a sleek, heartless travel plaza there.
i just saw this: http://tinyurl.com/c6rf6p2 (the original url was gigantic so i had to shorten it).