My Summer of the Peach is Over

If we are what we eat, at the moment I am about 30% peach.

The last of my peaches hang on tree #1 last night. I picked them, and will eat them today. It has been a great peach season.
The last of my peaches hang on tree #1 last night. I picked them, and will eat them today. It has been a great peach season.
I like to slice peaches to eat eat them. It's a little less messy, and it allows me to cut out any brown spots.
I like to slice peaches to eat eat them. It’s a little less messy, and it allows me to cut out any brown spots.

It’s been the spring and summer of the peach for me. I’ve had peaches on my trees before, but this summer was the bumper crop. I believe this is due to a normal, cold, wet winter, and a wet spring, so my trees had abundant deep moisture, and healthy pollinating insects.

I have picked peaches almost every day since May, and I have been able to eat most of them. Except for some losses to brown rot, my peaches have been big, beautiful and nutritious, and I couldn’t be happier with them.

It aggravates me to no end when people immediately suggest that I make something out of my fruits and vegetables. “Are you going to make peach cobbler?” “Are you going to make peach ice cream?” Peaches are food. I’m going to eat them.

Mike, our next door neighbor, rolled his tractor while brush hogging, his business now that he is retired. He was injured and spent some time in the emergency room, but he’ll be okay. It’s a good reminder that something as simple as mowing merits extra care to be safe.

I hold in my hand the last peach I picked this season. Isn't it beautiful?
I hold in my hand the last peach I picked this season. Isn’t it beautiful?
My old DR All-Terrain Mower sits in the yard today. I fire it up when I need to mow in "beast mode."
My old DR All-Terrain Mower sits in the yard today. I fire it up when I need to mow in “beast mode.”

My DR all-terrain mower started with no effort last night, which is nothing short of Twilight Zone weird because I hadn’t started it in three years, and when I did, it took half a bottle of starter fluid to get it going. “Maybe it just needed the rest,” Abby jokingly suggested.

So, with the pasture partially mowed last night and the last of the peaches picked, I hope to get some more of that done today, and concentrate on my next crop, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, and cantaloupe.

Large slicing tomatoes ripen on my vines last night. I also have cherry tomatoes.
Large slicing tomatoes ripen on my vines last night. I also have cherry tomatoes.