I’ve been posting much more frequently on my teaching blog, primarily since this summer is the first time I have taught two different classes at the same time. One result of this posting is that I feel a little unbalanced in my digital life.
Both classes are going great. If there is a down side, it’s the crippling heat we have faced. It limits the amount of time we can spend comfortably outdoors, where I would like to be exploring photographic potential. At the vo-tech Monday, even though it was evening, we all got too hot in a fairly short amount of time and had to go inside to cool off before returning in time for the golden hour.
I told my kids at the college the other day that it was my goal that they look back on this class as one of the best they had during their days at East Central University. I know that’s a conceit and that a lot of professors and adjuncts probably aspire to the same thing. It got me thinking about my own college experience, and how, for the most part, I found it distant and uninteresting. Oddly, when I think about teachers who succeeded in inspiring me, only two really stand out, and both, Gil Hernandez and Ruth Dishman, were high school English teachers.
The best news of all is that my students and I are really having fun, and I hope I am giving them what they need in order to become better photographers.

Oh geez. YOU shoulda gone to Cameron.