I have been deluged with ultra-vivid dreams lately. It might have something to do with Sierra the Chihuahua, who is restless in our bed lately, waking us up more than a few times at night.

If your think this is you, it is. If not, disregard: even though I will probably never see you again, I dreamed about you last night, particularly about your hands.
These dreams have had vivid tastes and colors in them, and have been particularly complex. In one, I was in a death race to climb stairs in a glass skyscraper, with Old Ben Kenobi on my team, and young Obi Wan Kenobi shooting aluminum arrows at us. In another, I was choosing different colors and flavors of butter.
Tonight was my annual brush pile burning night as well. Abby and I had some pizza, then at dusk I lit the pile. I made a point over the past year to make a taller, tighter pile, so when I burned it tonight, it burned fast and evenly. Over the two hours or so it took, I listened to my iPod and thought about, well, everyone and everything.

Sierra succeeds.
I too have been experiencing a spate of particularly vivid dreams. Laura Dern projectile vomiting blood as we co-starred in a horror movie shot on an abandoned school bus?!?
Then last night dreamed I repeatedly revived a guy who was having heart attacks, only to be scheduled to fight him to the death the next day. I injected epi and atropine directly into his heart.
I love that brush pile image. Remember very distinctly attending one a couple of years ago on a very cold night in January. Also, a nice line on which to end this entry. Thinking of everyone and everything.