Preface: I promise this is not going to turn into a food blog or a domestic life blog, and I assure you that if it begins to resemble The Pioneer Woman‘s blog in any way, I will suffocate myself with a pillow.

That said, it has rained since the middle of the night, it is cool and cloudy outside right now, and Abby has just spent most of the day making cinnamon rolls from scratch. I think she told me the recipe makes 50, but she claims we can freeze them.
Yesterday I worked just a half day. Robert visited in the middle of the afternoon, having picked up girlfriend Katy at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport for a whirlwind visit to Tulsa. They only stayed a few minutes, but it was nice to finally see Katy, who we had not actually met in person.
By evening as we got hungry, Abby had a hankering for beef stroganoff, so she made some for her, plus a little vegetarian dish for me that ended up a little like a pasta prima vera.
Abby naps now, exhausted from her kitchen toils.
For my own part, I am excited to say that I finally finished my “best of photojournalism” entry on my teaching blog. Check it out here.

Katie said it was great to meet you both. She thinks Oklahoma has more green than Texas. It’s more lush than Midland.
I could use one of those rolls right now.
Hi Richard, I was just thinking how much I miss seeing you on facebook so I came over to stalk/read your blog and saw this pic. Now I get to say hi to two old friends. Hi Robert! Nice to ‘see’ you.
Richard, can you pass me a roll?